Cyber Investigations

With the advent of the internet and the growing necessity for computers, many criminals have branched out into the arena of "cyber crime". These criminals are advancing their techniques at a continuous rate. To investigate these crimes takes skilled technicians versed in the computer industry.

Input-Output Unlimited, Inc. handles all manner of Cyber Investigations. Our trained and certified experts have a long, experienced history of cyber investigations.

Computer crime can be separated into two categories. The first category entails crimes which have been facilitated by a computer. The second category focuses on crimes where a particular computer or computer system is the target of an attack.

Computer facilitated crime occurs when a computer is used as a tool to aid criminal activity. This can include storing records of fraud, producing false identification, reproducing and distributing copyright material, collecting and distributing child pornography, and many other crimes.

Crimes where computers are the targets are unlike traditional types of crimes. Technology has made it more difficult to answer the question of who, what, where, when, and how. Therefore, in an electronic or digital environment evidence is now collected and handled differently than it was in the past.

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