Crime Scene Animation

When building a scenario for a crime, one of the more useful tools is animation. Animation allows for a visual reference to the crime. Additionally, it can actually help to unlock new evidence and information useful to the case.

Typically, in forensic animation, an expert studies all the data available from, for example, a car crash or a suspicious death and then asks a computer to perform calculations of the objects in motion and to recreate a visual picture. This is assisted through the use of photographs, measurements, and other information.

3D Accident Reconstruction:

The use of a 3D reconstruction to a case is two-fold.

A 3D reconstruction allows for the creation of a solid, reliable piece of the evidence puzzle. Sequences of events that lead to the accident or crime can be simulated and analyzed. Additionally, slow motion animations of events allow for a better understanding and a more accurate analysis.

3D reconstructions create a visual medium for conveying information in a courtroom. Our society is largely reliant on visuals. Animation presents information more easily and concisely than any of the more conventional tools.

The animation also helps the information to stick and stay in a juror’s memory. A memorable, animated presentation can help convey information and have juries remember it better than without.